Watch this video presentation about Communities
Watch the video presentation about the parts of a plant
Watch this video on shading techniques
Watch the video showing how to 'Take a line for a walk'
Watch this video of Mrs Ravenhill planting some bean seeds
What is that thundering sound? Will the friends escape the Giants?
How will the friends find Connie?
Connie ventures further up the tree...
The Meerkats class attempted this experiment 3 times in the classroom but we couldn't get it to work...however the Ravenhill Science Crew tired again in our garden and finally managed to pop that popper! The experiment illustrates the huge amount of pressure that builds up inside the main chamber of a volcano before an eruption occurs. A party popper is attached to a clamp and the string tied to a mass hook. Each 100g mass is added to the hook one at a time then....POP!